Barriers & Facilitators to receiving allergy healthcare in South Asian Families - BSACI

Barriers & Facilitators to receiving allergy healthcare in South Asian Families


Children from BME families often receive less referrals to care and within a service receive poorer care due to many cultural, linguistic and social barriers. This study will investigate from a families perspective why this is and how to improve care

Lay Summary

Children from black minority ethnic groups are often referred much later to clinic and rely more on A&E attends to receive care. Ww need to understand why this is to improve care and make sure no child is disadvantaged.

Sheffield Children's Hospital, Sheffield Hallam University

Barriers & Facilitators to receiving allergy healthcare in South Asian Families

Principal Investigator(s)

  • : Dr N Jay
  • : Dr Sue Peckover
  • : Ms Punita Chowbey

Type of Study

Qualitative data collection using mixed methods


Funding Body



12th March 2017 - 24th March 2019