Please click on the links below to download information about specialities in Allergy, Immunology and Paediatric Allergy.
‘A day in the life of an Allergy trainee’
‘A day in the life of an Immunology trainee’
‘A day in the life of a Paediatric Allergy trainee’
As part of their on-going training, allergy trainees are required to attend BSACI’s annual programme of allergy workshops which cover aspects of the allergy curriculum and take place around the country at a variety of allergy centres. Any BSACI member who is an allergy, immunology or paediatric trainee can attend for free. However, any other trainee who is not a BSACI member is required to pay £100 to attend each workshop. The training days are not open to any other specialities. Allergy trainees will be required to sit an exit examination in their penultimate year of training, therefore attendance at the workshops is vital. Click here for the current list of workshops.
The Royal College of Physicians insight series is a resource highlighting best practice for healthcare providers. There are toolkits, guides and more expansive documents across a breadth of issues; whether dealing with training, CPD, speciality specific information or insight designed to help medical students in the early part of their careers.
Click here to download the Insight Guide on ‘How to Write a Clinical Case Report’ by Dr Varo Kirthi, MA (Cantab) BM BCh (Courtesy of the Royal College of Physicians)