BSACI Annual Conference success
We were delighted to see so many of our members, allergy experts and sponsors at this year’s Annual Conference – our first face-to-face conference in two years! Despite the global events of 2020 which have massively changed the way we live and work, there is still an unwavering effort to improve our understanding of the scientific basis and clinical impact of allergic disease face-to-face.
More than 600 people attended our Annual Conference which focused on new insights in the uniqueness of allergic responses at different ages and the benefits of targeted treatments throughout life. This year we also celebrated the innovation of novel allergy education strategies, reflected on the impact of COVID-19 on allergy services across the UK, and started the discussion about adapting our practice to tackle the challenges of this new era.
Our opening plenary highlighted three key current themes. Dr Andrew Whyte reflected on the changes in our services brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and Professor Graham Roberts (new BSACI President) discussed the importance and challenges of establishing seamless transition practices. We were delighted to have Professor Stephen Holgate round off the plenary with a lecture on the effect of pollution on asthma, and especially honoured to have Rosamund Kissi-Debrah, the mother of nine-year-old Ella, who was the first person in the UK for whom air pollution was listed as a significant contributor to her death, to share her experience and views.
This year we highlighted collaborations, reflecting the importance of input from all parts of society and stakeholders. We had a dedicated session on protecting the food-allergic public and heard from Natasha Allergy Research Foundation (NARF), as Natasha’s Law came into effect on 1st October this year. We introduced a new theme of Allergy Education with a session dedicated to showcasing educational projects across the UK, and an expert panel discussing their implementation. As always, the Annual Conference provided a platform to local and global speakers of international calibre who are at the cutting edge of their respective fields. Of course, no BSACI conference would be complete without a wonderful array of workshops which shared knowledge and guidance for our everyday practice in an engaging environment. Finally, we would like to congratulate all of this years award winners. It was truly amazing and inspiring to have so much talent under one roof. BSACI would like to thank everyone who attended, the chairs and speakers for delivering an exciting programme.