WAO & BSACI 2022 UK Conference 25th-27th April 2022 – Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC)
After the huge success of BSACI 2021 face-to-face conference in Harrogate last year we are now moving forward with our plans organizing the joint World Allergy Organization & BSACI conference. BSACI are working closely with the WAO Senior leadership to bring to the UK world class cutting edge topical research from across the world delivered by internationally renowned experts all from the heart of the beautiful historic city of Edinburgh.
Registration opened on 1st November 2021 and has been filling up fast with delegates from around the globe. Speakers across the world will be flying in to Edinburgh to present the latest data and our abstract submission numbers are on par so far with a UK Allergy Meeting.
We have an exciting and packed programme in 2022 and will start the conference at the slightly earlier time of 10am on the first day. We begin by covering global trends in epidemiology of food allergy followed by the ‘Impact of globalization in the management of Anaphylaxis’ and discuss the challenges of managing allergies and asthma in low, middle-income countries. We continue with a session on allergy and the environment, finding out what the effects of aeroallergens are around the world in a temperate versus a tropical climate.
Our COVID session looks at the challenges we face tackling ethnicity in relation to the related risks during the COVID-pandemic; the TH2 response to COVID 19; and whether we should have zero tolerance of the infection or live with it!
We will discussing novel approaches with regards to allergen modification/delivery plus passive immunotherapy without allergens and SLIT as a mainstream management for seasonal perennial allergies. In allergy management, the GINA 2021 report will be presented and we are excited to hear what the impact of the DRACMA guidelines has had globally and what the nutritional challenges in food allergy are.
In ‘food allergy’ we shall be discussing, identifying and managing the risk of anaphylaxis and what impact food allergy has had on the quality of life in the UK: Presentation of the Food Sensitive Study.
New to this year we have a unique clinical immunology session and a charity partners symposium. Our awards ceremony celebrates those who have shown excellence in Allergy Care and Research, by the delivery of the Jack Pepys and Harry Morrow Brown Lectures; the Barry Kay Award abstracts winners will be announced, and last but by no means least, the William Frankland Award winner announcement.
We have joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Allergy (JSA), EAACI ENT Section and the AAAAI. We have our ‘Speakers Corner’ sessions and hands on practical workshops. The Presidents’ Plenary covers ‘a comprehensive approach to food allergy’ and ‘Oral and sublingual Immunotherapy for food allergy’ and viral infections and allergy interactions in the post-COVID era.
We finish the last day with a plenary on ‘Climate change and environmental determinants of allergic disease’ opposed sessions on respiratory allergy, global allergy and a joint JSA session. The finale is an unopposed Year in Review.
There will be a variety of specialty meetings taking place, satellite symposiums and social events! There is a welcome reception during the evening on Monday 25th April at the conference centre and the Presidents’ dinner will take place on Tuesday 26th April. To buy your ticket click here.
Like the successful in person 2021 BSACI Conference we shall be putting together COVID safety measures. To find out more click here.
This will be the only BSACI Conference in 2022 so to ensure you get a seat at the unmissable WAO & BSACI joint Conference register now. We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh!