Find a training course - BSACI

Find a training course

The British Allergy Education Network are in the process of reviewing relevant allergy education materials to assure they are inclusive, accessible and of the appropriate standard to complement the training needs of HCPs. and these will be uploaded to the website once they are accredited by the BSACI

Please see links below to externally accredited allergy education opportunities

Allergy Organization Meetings

Postgraduate Courses in Allergy and Immunology

There are many postgraduate courses on offer across the UK, from short courses to a full Masters in Allergy, with opportunities to apply for scholarships

MSc Allergy / Postgraduate Diploma in Allergy / Postgraduate Certificate in Allergy

Imperial College (in person)

University of Southampton (online)

MSc Immunology and Immunotherapeutics

University of Nottingham 

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical and Health Sciences with Allergy

Newcastle University (online)

Single modules in Allergy

Imperial College (in person)

University of Southampton (online)

Newcastle University (online)


BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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