Abstract Award Scheme and Bursaries - BSACI

Abstract Award Scheme and Bursaries

Primary Care Allergy Meetings Bursary

BSACI offers bursaries up to £3000 (£500 for virtual meetings) to BSACI members who wish to organise an allergy training day for those working in primary care. For details of scheduled training days and programmes please click here.

For members who wish to apply for the above, please email [email protected] for further details.


BSACI Annual Conference Abstract Award Scheme

This award scheme enables delegates who submit abstracts which are accepted to the BSACI Annual Conference, to present their work to have the opportunity of applying for funds to support travel, registration and accommodation. The value of the award is up to £250 for UK delegates.

BSACI members as well as non-members can apply to the Abstract Award Scheme, however preference will be given to BSACI members. We are proud to be able to offer support to those who have less access to financial resources to apply to the Abstract Award Scheme.

Abstract Award Scheme applications are restricted to accepted abstracts from trainees, undergraduate students, nurses and allied health professionals. They will be awarded on the grounds of those perceived to be in most financial need or having incurred the greatest expense to attend, rather than on the strength of their abstract itself. This is consistent with our wish to make the conference as inclusive as possible. Should you have any questions please contact [email protected]

Click here to find out more.  


International meetings

Changes to the allocation of BSACI Travel Fellowships

From the end of March 2017 BSACI will only be accepting applications for a travel fellowship to attend the BSACI Annual Meeting, we will therefore not be funding members whose abstracts have been accepted at an overseas meeting to attend meetings outside the UK.  Should you have any questions regarding the Travel Fellowship Scheme please do contact us [email protected]