Natasha’s Law comes into effect on 1st October 2021
Natasha’s Law comes into effect on 1st October 2021. It will require all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises. The change comes after teenager Natasha Ednan-Laperouse died from an allergic reaction after eating sesame seeds that were baked into the dough of a baguette. According to the new rules, PPDS (Prepacked for Direct Sale) food will have to clearly display the following information on the packaging:
- Name of the food
- Full ingredients list, with allergenic ingredients emphasised (for example in bold, italics or a different colour)
These changes will apply to businesses in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Find out more about Natasha’s Law at
Natasha’s family are campaigning for the Government to appoint an Allergy Tsar to act as a champion for people with allergies to ensure they receive appropriate support and joined up health care to prevent avoidable deaths and ill health. Sign the petition.