Jack Pepys Lectureship - BSACI

Jack Pepys Lectureship

This lectureship honours Professor Jack Pepys, who was a distinguished clinician, by recognizing those who have made outstanding contributions to the science of allergy and clinical immunology internationally.  Each year the BSACI Council votes on who should deliver this keynote lecture

Jack Pepys was Professor of Clinical Immunology.  He was an outstanding clinical researcher who made substantial contributions to the understanding of allergic diseases. Professor Pepys achieved international acclaim for his work on allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and allergic lung diseases caused by fungi. Having developed his lifelong interest in allergy and allergic diseases in 1948 and moved from South Africa to London to become clinical assistant to Professor J.G. Scadding at the Brompton Hospital. During the 1950s he set up the allergy service there which has now become world-renowned.

Click here to view list of Jack Pepys lecturers.



Share Your Voice in the development of a UK National Allergy Strategy

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