Barry Kay Awards - BSACI

Barry Kay Awards

This award recognises Professor Barry Kay’s national and international contributions to the field of allergy and asthma, which have inspired so many young allergists and chest physicians. The award is presented each year at the BSACI Annual Conference to those whose abstract has been judged to be outstanding.  

2023 Barry Kay Awards:

Adult clinical: A020

A retrospective analysis of patients sensitised to Pru p 3 from a London allergy clinic

Bianca Olivieri, University Hospital of Verona, Italy

Allied Health: A086

Understanding the goals and concerns of young people embarking on oral immunotherapy for food allergies – a qualitative study

Clare Jackson, Imperial College Health Care Trust, United Kingdom

Primary Care: A103

Time-trends, regional variation and associations of specialised formula prescribing in England

Karen Li, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Paediatric clinical: A152

Patient-responsive paediatric allergy care pathways: creating safe and efficient acceptance, discharge and rejection criteria for referrals

Serena Braccio, University College London Hospital, United Kingdom

Undergraduate: A015

Implementation of the REMA score into routine NHS practice to identify clonal mast cell disorders in a cohort of Hymenoptera venom anaphylaxis patients

Kieran Murdoch, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

Click here to view all published abstracts for 2023.





BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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