BSACI Dietician Strategic Group - BSACI

BSACI Dietician Strategic Group

This group provides a strategic channel between the BDA/FASG and the BSACI, furthering the objectives of both parties without creating any duplication of efforts. The groups’ goal is to provide dietetic expertise within BSACI and ensure this work is complementary to the FASG activities. It will achieve this by;

  • Addressing workforce issues, support business planning as well as service development
  • Identifying, undertaking and promoting opportunities for research by working closely with UK and International partner organisations
  • Ensuring dietetic expertise and representation in key areas of BSACI work
  • Advising the BSACI on a variety of dietetic matters which influence the care of patients
  • Be the main channel through which the Society receives the views of dietitians
  • Play a pivotal role in the communication and linking together the wide range of activities within Dietetics and all BSACI Specialist Interest Groups.

The group consists of FASG key committee members: Chairs (Karen Wright and Justine Dempsey), FASG founder (Isabel Skypala) and FASG Treasurer (Hannah Hunter). Other members of FASG will be opted to join the group as and when required to assist with key activities.


The Food Allergy Specialist Group (FASG) of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) was formed in 2002. The FASG representative previously provided dietetic input and representation into BSACI and acted as a voice of professional expertise for and on behalf of dietitians working in food allergy and intolerance. Over the years FASG has expanded and has made significant progress with regards to developing resources for its members, sharing resources with other health care professionals, working with other professional groups, putting together position statements and supporting its members clinically and professionally. Members debate issues and share allergy news, research, and educational events as well as allergy product information and queries about complex cases using both an email network and through their educational meetings.


The committee comprises:

Role First Name Surname
Chair Karen Wright Wright
Chair Justine Dempsey Dempsey
FASG Treasurer Hannah Hunter Hunter
FASG Founder Isabel Skypala Skypala
BSACI Representative Fiona Rayner

Committee Governance


Share Your Voice in the development of a UK National Allergy Strategy

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