Paediatric Allergy Special Interest Group - BSACI

Paediatric Allergy Special Interest Group

Dr Nick Makwana – Chair of the Paediatric Allergy Special Interest Group

Dr Makwana graduated from the University of Birmingham Medical School and completed his paediatric training within the West Midlands. He went on to work at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool and gained an MD from the Department of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Liverpool. He specialised in Paediatric allergy after gaining his certificate in specialist training and is an EAACI accredited allergist.  He is the lead paediatric allergist at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals and is responsible for the multi-disciplinary paediatric allergy service cross site. The service sees around 3000 patients per year. 

The Paediatric Allergy Committee was formed in July 2004. It is multidisciplinary and open to all BSACI members who share an active interest in the field of paediatric allergy. All healthcare professionals are invited to join. An open meeting is held once a year at the BSACI Annual Conference.

Aim-The aim of the Committee is to improve the care of children with allergies and to promote the development and practice of paediatric allergy.

Members are actively involved in the clinical care of children as well as in research and development of new methods of investigation and treatment of allergic disease. The Committee works with the RCPCH to develop subspecialty training posts and supports the development of new consultant posts in paediatric allergy. Encouraging trainees to proceed in this field is a crucial function of the group. We support a network of regional paediatric allergy interest groups. Members have represented paediatric allergy on the development of NICE guidelines for the management of eczema, food allergy, anaphylaxis and the Health Technology Assessments for Pharmalgen and Omalizumab. Members input into BSACI guideline development through the Standards of Care Committee and help with the programme at the annual conference. We are working towards improving services for adolescents with allergy, improving the transition to adult services and developing a national audit of the use of immunotherapy in children with asthma. We have developed standards for paediatric allergy services (click to download)

Recent projects

  • Paediatric Allergy Services Survey – all trusts in the UK were sent a brief questionnaire establishing whether they provided paediatric allergy services. This was done as a Freedom of Information request, the result being that a response was received from every single trust in the UK. The great majority of these were providing paediatric allergy services and will be sent a more comprehensive questionnaire. To view a copy of the survey, please click here
  • Allergy Action Plans for children (Click to find out more and download plans) 

Following the 2006 Department of health review of allergy services, the RCPCH Research Division was commissioned to define care pathways for children with allergic symptoms. The care pathways have been developed to describe the optimal care for children with allergies and be found here.


This is an informal discussion group where clinical cases and issues relating to allergy service management are discussed.
If you would like to join the group, please e.mail the moderator Dr Diab Haddad on [email protected] stating the following;

1.    Job title and location
2.    Postal address
3.    Relationship to paediatric allergy


The committee comprises:

Role First Name Surname
Chair Nick Makwana
Deputy Chair Elect (when in post) Paul Turner
Academic Representative Paul Turner
Secretary Tom Marrs
CSAC Representative Kate Swan
CSAC Representative Sian Ludman
Secondary Care Centres Representative Sian Ludman
Paediatric Allergy Trainee Representative Anjali Rampersad
BPAIIG Representative Maeve Kelleher
BPAIIG Representative Rosy Wells
Secondary Care Rep Sian Ludman
Adolescent Services and Transition Claudia Gore
EAACI Paediatric Section Marta Vazquez-Ortiz
Paediatric Dietetic Representative Justine Dempsey
Paediatric Nursing Representative Phoebe Moulsdale
Paediatric Education Representative Liz Powell
Paediatric Education Representative Juan Trujillo
BSACI SOCC Deb Marriage
BSACI Annual Meeting Representative Nandinee Patel
BSACI President (Ex-Officio) Graham Roberts
BSACI Representative on RCPCH Nic Jay
Training Centres
St Mary’s Claudia Gore
Southampton Stephanie Cross
GSTT Helen Brough
Newcastle Gillian Vance
Cambridge Quiza Zolkipli
Leicester Gary Stiefel
Liverpool Daniella Diacono
Manchester Vibha Sharma
Sheffield Nicola Jay
Sheffield Ellie Minshall
Exeter Sian Ludman
Kings, London Nicola Brathwaite
Watford Deepan Vyas
Bristol Deb Marriage
Royal London Antony Aston
St Georges, London Michael Perkin
Birmingham Nick Makwana
Dublin Maeve Kelleher
Glasgow George Raptis
Leeds Donald Hodge
Norwich Alex Brightwell
Cardiff David Tuthill
Ashford & St Peters Ruth Mew
UCL Leanne Goh
Northern Ireland Jenny Hughes

Committee Governance 

BSACI Terms of Reference (ToR) define the purpose and structure of each BSACI committee. It outlines how we appoint committee members and chairs of which a job description for the chair is below.

Decorative image

Paediatric Allergy Committee Terms of Reference

Decorative image

Paediatric Allergy Chair Job Description

Committee Members Declarations of interests are available on request.


BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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