Nurses in Allergy Special Interest Group - BSACI

Nurses in Allergy Special Interest Group

The Nurses in Allergy Special Interest Group was formed in 2005. We are nurses who work and have specialist expertise, knowledge and interest in allergy. It is our mission to improve and extend the quality of nursing care of patients with allergic disease. We aim to collaborate with other professional bodies and voluntary patient groups to raise awareness and understanding of allergy and its management and to act as patient advocates.   

Objective: The objective of the Nurses’ Special Interest Group is to act as a resource for nurses working in the field of allergy, and to support nurses new to the specialism to further develop their skills and competence in this area.

Allergy is an area where nurses play an integral part within the multidisciplinary team. Group members are actively involved in the clinical care of people with allergic disease as well as playing key roles as in research and innovation in the management of allergic disease. The Nurses Special Interest Group provides an ideal opportunity for nurses to be involved in developing and influencing guidelines and policy within the BSACI.

Nurses in Allergy Special Interest Group:
We have an expert group of nurses which meets 4 times per year, to discuss nursing issues in the field of allergy. Many of our group members feed into other national groups, e.g. Royal College of Nursing Immunology & Allergy Group, National Allergy Advisory Group (NAAG), development of NICE guidelines etc.

Group members are actively involved in conducting national audits, producing BSACI guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) through the Standards of Care Committee and help with planning the Allied Health Care Programme at the annual BSACI conference.

The Special Interest Group maintains a database of nurses working in allergy and aims to communicate with group members on a regular basis to share information. We also have an email forum where members can ask for advice or support from other group members.  If you have a question you would like to be sent out to the group, please send it to [email protected]

The Special Interest Group has 10 members, each who serve a 3 year term (The Chair will be appointed for a term of 2 years). We are very friendly and inclusive – so please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about how to become a future committee member.

Role First Name Surname
Chair James Gardner
Secretary Lynsey Perkins
Conference Representative Katherine Knight
BSACI Allergy Representative Ciara Whitfield
Paediatric Allergy Advanced Nurse Practitioner Rebecca Batt
Deborah Hughes
Clinical Nurse Specialist Shauna Mckibben
Paediatric Allergy Nurse Specialist Daisy Stevens
Allergy CNS (Paediatric) Phoebe Moulsdale
CNS Paediatric Allergy Joanne Miles
The BSACI Nurses in Allergy Group have developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for use in allergy clinics,
SOPs in Development (coming soon):
Nursing Competency Assessment:
We have also developed a competency-based assessment tool for nurses new to allergy, click here to view
Educational Funding Sources for Nurses

Please click here to view organisations who support further nursing education and research

Contact Us: If you are interested in joining our Nurses Special Interest Group, please contact us at: [email protected]

You can also follow us on Twitter at: @BSACInurses

Committee Governance 

BSACI Terms of Reference (ToR) define the purpose and structure of each BSACI committee. It outlines how we appoint committee members and chairs of which a job description for the chair is below.

Committee Members declarations of interests are available on request.


BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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